Podiatry Services
General Podiatry
At Chris Morey Podiatry, all aspects of General Podiatry & foot care are covered including:
Plantar wart treatment
Fungal nail management
Ingrown nail treatment
Treatment for cracked & painful heels
Nail treatment
Corn removal
Thick skin and
callus reduction
Tinea treatment
Paraffin wax bath
Diabetic Foot Care
If you have diabetes, your feet are at risk of serious complications including permanent damage to nerves and reduced blood flow to the feet.
Assessment by a Podiatrist can quickly and easily detect any changes to blood flow and sensation in the feet. Early signs of complications can often be detected without the patient experiencing any symptoms. Early assessment by a Podiatrist is very important and can help to prevent any serious complications at a later date.
We use orthotics to treat a wide range of foot and lower limb conditions by supporting and correcting foot posture
The team at Chris Morey Podiatry are able to assess the biomechanics of your feet to determine if you would benefit from orthotics and provide a range of orthotic options from off the shelf through to fully customised.
Sports Injuries
Some of the most common sport related injuries a Podiatrist will treat include:
Heel & arch pain
Plantar fasciitis
Achilles pain
Ankle pain
Ankle sprains
Ball of the foot pain
Big toe pain
Leg pain / Shin splints
Stress fractures of the foot
Calf pain
CAM walker fitting
Ingrown Nails & Nail Surgery
Ingrown toenails are one of the most common complaints that we see as Podiatrists.
If you suspect an ingrown toenail, it is advisable to see a Podiatrist as quickly as possible to prevent it worsening and the creation of an even larger problem.
There are a number of possible treatments for ingrown nails and in many cases surgery is not required. Most toes can be addressed in a single consultation without the need for follow up